Heat Pipe for Hotels & Resorts
Grand Hyatt Hotel – Tampa, FL
The 226,700 sq.ft. Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, a 4-star hotel with the chief goal of comfort of its guests, is located in one of the most challenging weather climates in the US when it comes to HVAC system performance. The hotel was having to over-cool the ambient air to remove enough moisture, then reheat the air to achieve 60% relative humidity and a target of 65°F supply air. This was a very costly process to do year round in Tampa’s climate. HPT offered a solution of adding site installed wrap-around heat pipes to the hotel’s existing outside air units. The heat pipes wrapped around the existing cooling coil and utilized a phase change to precool the incoming air which reduced the load on the cooling coil, as well as provided “free reheat”, limiting the terminal reheat required. Download this case study to learn more about how this solution produced an estimated savings of $37,000 annually!

Omni Resort – Orlando, FL
Like many hotels in a humid climate, the Omni Resort not only had to cool the outside air to remove excess moisture, but they also had to reheat the air before discharging it into the corridors that lead to guest’s rooms. This process required electric heat strips that consume a great deal of energy. HPT offered a solution of adding site installed wrap-around heat pipes to the hotel’s existing units. The heat pipes wrapped around the existing cooling coil and utilized a phase change to precool the incoming air which reduced the load on the cooling coil, as well as provide “free reheat”, eliminating the terminal reheat required. Download this case study to learn more about how this solution produced an estimated savings of $400,000 annually!